Autumnal Color

We are well past peak color but a few smaller trees and shrubs have been providing wonderful color. The kitchen window provides a great view of the last vestiges of fall foliage.

4 season flower bed
View from the Kitchen Window

The corner of the raised beds is my best attempt at a 4 season bed. Currently, the Fothergilla is showing off it’s yellow/copper color along with the first glimpses of the red twig dogwood. The golden evergreen will soon be more noticeable once all of the leaves fall.

Blue Shadow Fothergilla
Japanese Maple

The back edge has 3 Japanese maples, one of which I transplanted as a seedling the first year that we lived at this location. It is now over a decade old and is standing proudly at the bend of the grass path.

Japanese maple and Amsonia
Grass path at the shed

The amsonia always put on a fiery show this tome of year. Soft fronds of yellow and orange stay for a long while until truly cold temps hit. Two plants have since turned into 8+ after divisions.

Dogwood with Maples across the street
Maple Trees
Carrot in Flower
Empress Will Hosta, Black Mondo Grass, and Hinoki Grass